My interpretation of the class window:
In addition to our concept of painting the shifting concept of sunrise, sunset and night time, I tried to add a dreamlike quality to the window. The left side I glazed with a purple hue creating a more ethereal quality. I then overlaid sections with almost cloud like fluid forms that vary in transparency, colour and size.
The Colour Wheel of Shavings
The Colour Wheel of Shavings
This elevation is rendered with different colour keys relating to me in one way or another. The colours that have not shown up should be dark blue-green with yellow and grey. This combination creates my "self" colour.
Loose Rendering of part of a Barragan project.
Loose Rendering of part of a Barragan project.
I accentuated angles, shadows and colour in this rendering. The colours here should be grey, orange and purple.
Barraganland face map:
Barraganland face map:
This map, based on Barragan's face is labelled with places relating to Barragan's life/projects/concepts. For example, "the Sea of Silence" refers to Barragan's idea of the beauty of silence.