Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Final Submission - Drawing Workshop

A1 Page 1 - 3D Drawings
North at top of page.


Having been to the Rose Seidler House, I was impressed by two main points. 

Firstly, the open space is accentuated by many windows allowing a large amount of natural light into the building. It is divided into two main areas, the public/living domain (which includes the kitchen/dining area and living room) and the private domain (the bathroom and bedrooms). The deck and 'playroom' act as a path and mediator between the two. This pathway can even be adapted to suit a situation, with a full height curtain able to divide the playroom and a doorway joining the deck to the master bedroom. 

Secondly I focused on colour. Harry Seidler said "People who lead complicated lives (and most of us seem to) cannot be comfortable in a highly colourful interior." This is interesting as the Seidler House contains only three colours, red, yellow and blue. These primary colours are fundamental elements that form a basis for new things, and are used only in curtains, doors, furniture and the mural on the deck. 

I tried to develop my understanding of these two points through my drawings, especially in my perspective drawing.

Class Exercises - Drawing Workshop 1

Perspective Exercise

Rose Seidler Perspective Exercise, placing the house amongst University buildings.

Week One, Teacup Measured Drawing Exercise